Be the envy of the neighbourhood with a luscious front lawn. These simple grass care tips will keep your garden’s ‘carpet’ in tip top shape.
Lack of water is one of the biggest threats to your lawn, in summer or dry periods, when your lawn should be watered at least twice a week. Water in the evenings or early morning for best results, otherwise the heat of the day will evaporate much of the precious water that would otherwise soak into soil. Sufficient water will ensure your lawn stays green and healthy.
This is where we come in! Mowing just right can be a delicate balance, regular mowing promotes healthy growth but ‘scalping’ lawn by cutting it too short will stress the grass and leave patchy, brown spots where the soil is exposed. Mowing higher also helps control weeds such as ‘onehunga’, the pesky prickles that get in your feet when you walk over it. Cutting grass frequently and at the right height helps to maintain dense, healthy and attractive turf.
Most lawns are under-fertilised and ideally, you should apply fertiliser three to four times a year. Be careful not to overfeed, as this can be as damaging as underfeeding, so always follow the instructions on the bag. The best fertiliser to buy depends on what kind of lawn you have. If you’re unsure what type of lawn you have, ask us!
The final problem we see are weeds. The first defense is to keep your lawn in good shape using the above tips, as a healthy lawn is better equipped to resist invasive weeds. If they manage to make their way in, options for ridding yourself of weeds include sprays or if you’re an organic gardener have a small lawn, digging them out with a butter knife works well too.